Daphne van Huffelen
Fire Engineer
Graduating in 2021 as a Fire Safety Engineer, Daphne has joined Jensen Hughes Belgium. Since joining Jensen Hughes, Daphne has worked on a variety of projects from the fire safety design of new buildings to alterations and risk assessments of existing buildings.
After working for Jensen Hughes Belgium for 2.5 years, which gave her valuable experience on both technical and management levels, Daphne embraces a new challenge. Excitedly, she has joined Crossfire in 2024. She is eager to learn about the technical aspects of fire safety engineering applicable in New Zealand and hopes to further improve her technical experience; to expand her knowledge of the fire safety design applicable in Belgium with the fire safety engineering applicable in New-Zealand.
Contact Daphne: daphne.vanhuffelen@jensenhughes.com
Linked In: Connect with Daphne on LinkedIn